ਸਚ ਖੰਡਿ ਵਸੈ ਨਿਰੰਕਾਰੁ ॥

(In the Realm of Truth, the Formless Lord Abides)

Welcome to Gurdwara Sachkhand Darbar

330 Welton Street, Hamden, CT USA

Sikhs in America

The Sikh religion is a relatively young religion that was founded over 500 years ago in the Punjab region which is now In Pakistan. In 1947 after Pakistan separated from India the Sikhs moved to India. There are more than 25 million Sikhs around the world, which makes Sikhism the world’s fifth-largest religion. Sikhs first came to the United States in the late 1800s and there are an estimated 500,000 Sikhs living in America today. Sikhs participate in every aspect of American life and are very patriotic and committed to the United States. There are more than 50,000 Sikhs living in the state of Connecticut. Sikhs have a distinctive physical appearance: wearing turbans, not cutting their hair or beards, and wearing steel bracelets as a symbol of strength and the eternal nature of God. Learn more

Identity and Faith

The Sikh faith is the fifth largest world religion with over 25 million devotees worldwide. It is a monotheistic religion founded in 1469, by Guru Nanak. It holds as its basic tenets, the equality of mankind, the equality of men and women, and the fundamental equality of all religions. Guru Nanak rejected idolatry and the caste system and taught that there is a universal, genderless and formless God, who is accessible equally to all, irrespective of their race or religion. Born in the Punjab region of South Asia, Guru Nanak traveled far during his lifetime and taught the principles that have become the core of Sikh belief. Everywhere he traveled, a community of disciples arose, called Sikhs. The term Sikh literally means a student or disciple. Learn more

Guru Granth Sahib or Adi Sri Granth Sahib Ji (Punjabi: ਗੁਰੂ ਗ੍ਰੰਥ ਸਾਹਿਬ; also called the Adi Granth or Adi Guru Darbar) is more than just a scripture of the Sikhs, for the Sikhs regard and respect the Granth (holy book) as their living Guru. The revealed holy text spans 1430 pages and contains the actual words spoken by the founders of the Sikh religion

Guru Granth Sahib was bestowed the Guruship by the last of the human form Sikh Master, Guru Gobind Singh Ji in 1708. Before passing away, Guru Gobind Singh Ji decreed that the Sikhs were to regard the Granth Sahib as their next and everlasting Guru. Guru Ji said – “Sab Sikhan ko hokam hai Guru Manyo Granth” meaning “All Sikhs are commanded to take the Granth as Guru”. So today, if asked, the Sikhs will tell you that they have a total of 11 Gurus. (10 Gurus in human form, and the eternal Shabad Guru, the Guru Granth Sahib).

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Sikhism or Sikhi is a monotheistic and panentheistic religion that originated in the Punjab region of the Indian subcontinent around the end of the 15th century CE.

The Sikh Scriptures emphasize the following virtues – wisdom, truthfulness, justice, temperance, courage, humility, contentment, and love for humanity

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Gurdwara Sachkhand Darbar

330 Welton Street, Hamden, CT 06517